Vacation Trivia
Stega is currently on vacation on a foreign island far far away from Purgatory. For part of the past week she was actually the only guest — technically there were two others staying here but only because one got a positive test result and had to wait two days for a more accurate test which was of course negative before they could depart. Partly because I was the only guest and partly because I’ve stayed here in past years, I got to run the weekly trivia quiz at the bar on Thursday night.
Below are the questions with the answers beneath them and you’re welcome to test your knowledge. Let me know if you answer more than 16 correctly, but be honest….
1984 Summer Olympics
- What country hosted the 1984 Summer Olympics?
- What is the name of the Track and Field Athlete who equaled the 1936 performance of Jesse Owens?
- Name two of the 18 countries that boycotted the 1984 Olympics and did not send any athletes to the games.
- What American cereal brand is synonymous with Olympic gold medals, as numerous medal winners have appeared on cereal boxes.
- Ester Williams popularized what sport which made its debut at the 1984 Olympics?
- What 2016 animated movie co-stars Ed O’Neil as the voice of a seven-armed octopus that suffers for Thalassophobia?
- What 2016 animated movie features a giant crab who loves to sing about how shiny he is?
- What 2004 release directed by Stephen Chow features said director portraying a loser who aspires to join the axe gang? Other notable characters include the Landlord and Landlady of Pigsty Alley, Coolie, Taylor, Donut, and the Beast.
- At the 1984 Olympic Opening Ceremony, a new original piece of music “Olympic Fanfare and Theme” was premiered. Who composed it?
- Ester Williams and Ricardo Montebaum plus Red Skelton and Betty Garret all sang what song in the movie _Neptune’s Daughter_ ? Hint, this duet, which became a Christmas/holiday standard, was recently a source of much controversy.
- What Polish composer had a long term affair with French novelist George Sand?
What Manchester band is famous for such hits as “She’s a Star,” “Laid,” “Sit Down,” and “Come Home”. Hint the band shares its name a popular translation of the Bible.ALT What singer is now infamous for popularizing “Gangnam Style”
- The Caymans Islands are the seasonal home to three of the six species of Boobies. Name one of the three species that does not visit the Cayman Islands.
- What non-native bird is now common throughout all of North and South America, is spotted in the Cayman Islands and even in some parts of Asia. Urban legend has it that this species was introduced into NYC by Eugene Schieffelin in an attempt to have every bird species mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare also reside North America.
- Frigate birds get their name from the French, but before they were officially named as such, what were they called by English language speakers?
- What family of birds native to New Guinea and Australia are famous for the males habit of building complex structures that they adorn with sticks and/or brightly colored items in an attempt to attract mates?
- Women were finally “allowed” to compete in what event for the first time in Olympic history at the 1984 Olympics?
- Which of Jane Austen’s novels, that were published during her lifetime, has been adapted into a film or tv/mini series the least number of times?
- The writer who wrote about the need for female writers to have a _Room of One’s Own_ in the early half of the 20th century and committed suicide at the age 59 was portrayed by what actress in the film _The Hours_? (Hint: With the help of a prosthetic nose, this actress won the 2002 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Best Actress award for the role.)
- Back in the early to mid 1800s when women could not vote, hold public office or attend university let alone join scientific establishments, what British woman did much to advance the field of Paleontology by combing the beaches and cliffs along the English Channel before dying of breast cancer at the age of 47?
- Jays and Magpies are members of what bird family?
- What poet from Maryland wrote an ode of sorts to the largest species of bird found in this family?
- Brandon Lee starred in the titular role of what 1994 movie that is named for a bird in this family? (Skipped this question during the quiz)
- What Canadian city fields a professional baseball team named for a bird in this family?
- Lastly what member of this family shares its name with a chess piece?



The random images were taken long ago at the Camera Obscura in Edinburgh.
1984 Summer Olympics
- Carl Lewis
- Soviet Union, Bulgaria, East Germany, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Hungary, Poland, Cuba, South Yemen, North Korea, Ethiopia, Angola, Albania, Iran, Libya
- Wheeties
- Synchronized Swimming
- Finding Dory
- Moana
- Kung Fu Hustle
- John Williams
- Baby It’s Cold Outside
- Chopin
- James ALT Psy
- Nazca, Peruvian, Blue Footed
- European Starling
- Man-of-War
- Bower Birds
- Marathon
- Least: Northanger Abbey — Most: Pride and Prejudice
- Nicole Kidman
- Mary Anning
- Corvidea or Corvid
- Edgar Allen Poe
The Crow- Toronto
- Rook