When you try to be earth-kind and well….

Yes…that’s a box of compostable waste bags (6 actually) shipped in a box of non-bio-degradable packing peanuts.

If I didn’t have a box where I store any packing peanuts* we get so that I can reuse them when we have something to send out, I’d feel incredibly silly.  As it is, I feel slightly silly.

* I also save bubble wrap and reuse any butcher paper to line the boys’ cages.

Fun with….Sendmail

I do weird crap sometimes.

Case in point, I have a little “floating shelf” I wanted to use to hold a speaker for my keyboard, only the speaker is a bit too big.  Enter my old O’Reilly Sendmail book and wa’la…perfection.

Just don’t tell Claus.

Raw Materials
Center the book
Wrap the book
Use the ribbon to tie the ends
Put into service

Another crazy two months…

During which time I managed to blow up this site.  Thanks to having a backup of things though, I managed to piece things back together.

I’ve also been busy managing Purgatory.  Things have been very busy over there, but I’m pleased to note I’m finally getting my personal site back in order.